Saturday, November 29, 2008

I've Been Tagged.......

I've been tagged by Ema. I guess that's what happens when you start posting more on your blog! LOL....

Ok.....I need to share 7 random or weird thoughts about myself.

1. I'm fiercely protective of my family -- so much that I'll withdraw from others in order to protect them. Kind of like a momma bear! I have this invisible shield around me -- I let most people only get so close. There are only a handful of people that really know me, and most of them I've known for years. One is my girlfriend in Connecticut that I've known since 2nd grade! Trust and honesty is very important to me, especially in friendships.

2. My faith is my stronghold....I've always believed in God. I was raised Catholic in New England, but saw so many disconnects from the teachings of the bible. I've always struggled with finding my way. Finally, after moving South, I've discovered who I am and finally, really like who I am. I am now a self-confessed Jesus Freak...I have become what I once hated. Isn't God funny? I just love it how he uses us and how he changed my once hardened and bitter heart .

3. I gave up coffee 8 weeks ago --- UGH....It's been hard, but necessary in my healing (according to my love/hate relationship with my chiropractor!). In an effort to promote healing, I'm drinking carrot juice 2x a day and eating more raw veggies. Not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be! Weird, yep, but I'm kinda unconventional.

4. I graduated from college at 40! It took me eight years going at night, working full-time in "corporate America" and having a baby during the half-way point. When I graduated, it was the first time I can remember a family member telling me they are proud of me! I believe education is the key to end poverty. Both of my children love to read! And I am so proud of that! Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a counselor. Probably because I want to be able to give back and help others through difficult situations. Maybe one day, I'll go back and get my Masters in Social Work or Counseling.

5. I love the outdoors (except when its 100 and humid - August in the South). I love to garden, to hike and be in the mountains. And I can't forget the ocean. My grandmother lived on a island off the coast of Rhode Island. I spend many summer days travelling the ferry back and forth to the island. That island grounds's like coming home. The salt air, the smell, it's like time stopped. Oh....I love it there. It's been 6+ years since i've been there and am aching to go back for a visit (when it's warmer, of course!) .

6. I currently cloth diaper my daugher and also used them on my son. I LOVE THEM! I know that's weird, but they really are addicting. I buy all my products from GMD. I wish I could get some sort of referral discount for how much I promote her stuff -- all cotton and wool -- no bad stuff for the baby! I guess you can say I'm a naturalist at heart -- don't like all the chemicals in disposables and believe fiercely in nursing an infant. Pssst..don't tell my husband how much I spend on cloth diapers -- it dispels the $$ savings argument!

7. I crochet -- kinda goofy, I know. But my grandmother taught me when I was a little girl. Then, in the early 90s, I dated this guy for 4 1/2 years. His mom crocheted and I wanted her to make me an afghan that was absolutely beautiful. She told me she'd make me one if I married her son...I said, maybe you need to teach me how to crochet. I loved his mom - - she was the ----- she taught me how to read a crochet pattern, and the rest, they say, is history.
P.S. I never did finish that afghan -- all I have to do is stitch it together. Here is what I just finished for Pickles.

8. I was going to post something, but changed my mind.

9. Today -- when I'm actually posting this post, is November 29th and it is Squeeker's 9th birthday!!! did that go by so fast!

10. I'm a grandmom.......Gavin is going to be 6 in Feburary, and Baby G is 4 weeks old!

11. Finally, the last one. Hmmm......I love music. I used to just listen to good old rock and roll. In the mid-80s-early 90s, I used to work for FEDEX as a driver for 8+ years and they called me "Rockin' Robin" because I had it blaring out the windows! Today, I've expanded my horizons and listen to all types of music and can't say I really have a favorite anymore. Just depends on what type of mood I'm in.

I'm tagging April, Tonia, The Robert's Family, Renee , The Albertson's, The Earley's , Eileen Mestas.

1 comment:

Jebena said...

40 is a good age for an undergraduate degree --- It proves you can push through anything!!!!