Monday, September 24, 2007

It's 11:30 PM ...Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

Well, it's dark, the house is quiet, even David is asleep. Tomorrow is the BIG day: the courts in Ethiopia reopen and I have to report to Jury Duty at 9:00 am!!! Isn't that just ironic? Or God's sense of humor??? My mom always said God had a sense of humor!!! Will Jury Duty distract me from wondering when we'll hear from Gladney about our paperwork????? The one good thing about Jury Duty is I have to turn my cell phone off, so I won't be waiting and watching for it to ring all day. If by some chance, Mary from Gladney calls, I won't know until I'm dismissed for the day.

Anxiety is the word of the moment. I've been trying to calm myself down enough to sleep, but I've been up reading "the blogs." What was I thinking??? I love reading the blogs to find out what's the latest goings on with families in all stages of adoption. The wealth of information is amazing!!!! But.......then I start to question "why were we delayed" again and the anxiety creeps in before I even know what hit me. Will they re-hear our case tomorrow? Or will it take 3 weeks to get ANOTHER court date? Will I get called to be a juror? A million thoughts are running through my mind. I just need to give it to God and leave it there......

In the midst of waiting for tomorrow, some awesome things have happened this past week. I finished (FINALLY) the nursery!!! I'm really pleased with how it came out: girly, but not to girly!!! I'll post more pictures later this week. And yesterday, our wonderful church gave us a baby shower!!! "Overwhelmed" does not even begin to describe the outpouring of support from our church family. WOW!!!!! For those church members out there reading this, a BIG THANK YOU --- we really love you!!!!

I don't have much to say, so I'm going to sign off for tonight. Pray for us tomorrow and this week as we anxiously wait to hear about when we can travel to bring Pickles home.

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